While studying at Bible College many years ago, I met the Lady of my dreams, who later became my wife. Both of us soon realised, that one of the reasons why we really enjoyed each other, was that we both loved children, and had a passion to see them fulfilling their purpose in life, which was having a relationship with the person who loves them more than anyone else in their life ever will, the Lord Jesus Christ. He wants to have a personal, living, daily relationship with them.
Out of this relationship with Him, will flow the assignment He has created us all for.
The W.C.H.E.A was eventually birthed to assist parents in educating their children, with Jesus Christ, in the center of the curriculum being used, from Gr. 0 – 12. The Accredited ACE curriculum assists students to first find their purpose in Life, which is to enjoy a relationship with a loving God, who created us all first for this purpose, and then for an assignment on earth which He tailor-made for each of us.
Integrated with the Character of Jesus Christ, and Biblical Principles, the Academic Curriculum used within our Academy, serves, in All subjects from Gr. 0 – 12, to educate children to become responsible, happy, and fulfilled individuals in life – where they enjoy fulfilling their assignment from Him – as not only academics but also values prove to be very necessary in a broken world.





More than 34 Years of experience in Biblical Education
Assistance with Diagnosing of Academic grade levels of students
Personal Quarterly Visits to Homes
Annual Assessments/Moderation of PACE Tests
Telephonic Support
Updated Constantly via Email
Constant updates of relevant information on the WCHEA D6 Connect
Quarterly Training Courses
Quarterly Home Educators Days
Permanent Record Keeping for All Students
Placing of Bi-weekly Curriculum Order from the ACE Warehouse